Sunday, April 14, 2013

Balcony Garden!

Love my sweet lavender plants! They smells the best!! Even the leaves smell like lavender. Some of the other lavender plants actually smell like turpentine! I'm serious, this is especially true for the Fern Leaf Lavender I have checked out Goldwin Creek Lavender - it does not smell as sweet as the sweet lavender. The French lavender was not as good either. 

My mini garden include the dying basil plants on the left hand side, a new young sweet basil plants, my rosemary that is one year old but not really growing (sigh! at least it is alive!), italian parsley - they are really useful for any american/italian cookings, oregano, thyme, mint and super chillies and aloe vera! Can you imagine that aloe vera plant was like only 5" tall when I first got it, now it is like 25" long!

I got all my plants from Orchard Supply Hardware because they have a lifetime plant guarantee, even for a 4" herbs that cost $3. So if you kill the plants/herbs, you can bring it back to them with the receipt and ask for a refund/exchange. Yay! I have done it so many times say about 6 plants... :)

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